Salary Day is a short film by Ramasamy Madhavan, that reflects the challenges and issues faced by a migrant worker in Singapore. Ramasamy Madhavan, a talented filmmaker, at the same time, a migrant worker working in Singapore showcase the harsh reality that few locals may understand. Though filmed in 2020, I believe the issues he face continue to be so or worse today.
The film showed how Madhavan spend his $450 monthly salary. And within the same day, he is left with a single dollar coin. Upon receiving his pay, Madhavan went to draw out the full $450 from the ATM, which left him with zero in the account.
He then proceed to a food store, which I assume he is paying for his monthly food of $110. He then proceed to transfer $300 of his salary back to his Mum. With $40 left in his hand, he went on to buy a top up card for his mobile ($20) and some basic grocery needs ($12).
With only $8 left in his pocket, he contemplate to treat himself to a plate of Mee Goreng, but in the end decided to get a hair cut for $7.
When he is done with his haircut, he finally settled down to make his call to his Mom to inform that he has transferred her $300 and ask how is everyone doing.
According to the film, a new migrant worker earns an average of about $18 a day or $450 a month. After sending money back to their family, pay the agency, food expenses, handphone bills, groceries and other needs, they are left with little to nothing to save for their future.
Let’s remind ourselves not to take things around us for granted. The struggles are real, and not limited to locals only during tough times. So let us show a little more compassion and kindness to them, as per what we wish from any others.
You can view the whole film (12:55) here